22. heinäkuuta 2006

For Martti and my students

Some works, societies and revolutions indentified by James R. Beniger (The control revolution). No pioneering basic works are included, because they are so well known by all.

Intended for us, the Adhocracy

1950 Lonely crowd - Riesman, David The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character
1950 Posthistoric man - Seidenberg, Roderic Posthistoric Man: An Inquiry
1953 Organizational revolution - Boulding, Kenneth The Organizational Revolution: A Study in the Ethics of Economic Organization
1956 Organization man - Whyte, William The Organization Man
1957 New social class - Djilas, Milovan The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System
1958 Meritocracy - Young, MichaelThe Rise of the Meritocracy 1870-2033: An Essay on Education and Equality
1959 Postcapitalist revolution - Dahrendorf, Ralf Class and Class Conflict in an Industrial Society
1959 Educational revolution - Drucker, Peter Landmarks of Tomorrow
1960 End of ideology - Bell, Daniel The End of Ideology
1960 Posmaturity revolution - Rostow, Walt The Stages of Economic Growth
1961 End of ideology - Aron, Raymond La société indsutrielle et la guerre 1959, Dix-huit lecons sur la société industrielle 1963
1962 Computer revolution - Berkeley, Edmund The Computer Revolution
1962 Knowledge economy - Machlup, Fritz The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the Unted States
1963 Postbourgeois society - Lichtheim, George The New Europe: Today and Tomorrow
1963 New working class - Mallet, Serge La nouvelle classe oeuvrière
1964 Postcivilized era - Boulding, Kenneth The Meaning of the Twentieth Century: The Great Transition
1964 Service class society - Dahrendorf, Ralf Recent Changes in the Class Structure of European Societies - in A New Europe?
1964 Technological society - Ellul, Jacques The Technological Society. Histoire des institutions 1955-1956.
1964 One-dimensional man - Marcuse, Herbert One-dimensional man: Studies in the Ideology of Andvanced Industrial Society
1964 Managerial capitalism - Marris, Robin The Economic theory of Managerial Capitalism
1964 Global village - McLuhan, Marshall Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
1967 New industrial state - Galbraith, John Kenneth The New Industrial State
1967 Scientific-technological revolution - Richta, Radovan (ed.) Civilization at the Crossroads: Social and Human Implications of the Scientific and Technological Revolution
1968 Dual economy - Averitt, Robert The Dual Economy: the Economics of American Industry Structure
1968 Postmodern society - Etzioni, Amitai The Active Society: A theory of Societal and Political Process
1968 Neocapitalism - Gorz, André Strategy of Labor. La socialisme difficile 1967
1968 Technocracy - Meynaud, Jean Technocracy
1968 Unprepared society - Michael, Donald The Unprepared Society: Planning for a Precarious Future
1969 Postcollectivist society - Beer, Samuel British Politics in the Collectivist Age
1969 Age of discontinuity - Drucker, Peter The Age of Discontinuity
1969 Postideological society - Feuer, Lewis Marx and the Intellectuals: A Set of Post-Ideological Essays
1970 Technectronic era - Brzezinski, Zbigniew Between Two Ages: Anerica's Role in the Technectronic Era
1970 Personal society - Halmos, Paul The Personal Society
1970 Posteconomic society - Kahn, Herman Forces for Change in the Final Third of the Twentieth Century
1970 Computerized society - Martin, James - Norman, Adrian The computerized Society
1970 Prefigurative culture - Mead, Margaret Culture and Commitment; A Study of the Generation Gap
1970 Postliberal age - Vickers, Geoffrey Freedom in a Rocking Boat: Changing Values in an Unstable Society
1971 Self-guiding society - Breed, Warren The Self-Guiding society
1971 Age of information - Helvey. T.C. The Age of Information: An Interdisciplinary Survey of Cybernetics
1971 Compunications - Oettinger, Anthony Compunications in the National Decision-Making Process in Computers, Communications, and the Public Intererst
1971 Superindustrial society - Toffler, Alvin Future Shock
1971 Postindustrial society Touraine, Alain Post-Industrial Society. La société post-industrielle 1969
1972 World without borders - Brown, Lester World Without Borders
1972 Posttraditional society - Eisenstadt, Shmuel Post-traditional Societies
1972 Limits to growth - Meadows, Donella et al. Limits to Growth: A Report of the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind
1973 Stalled society - Crozier, Michael The Stalled Society
1973 New service society - Lewis, Russell The New Service Revolution
1974 Consumer vanguard - Gartner, Alan - Riessman, Frank The Service Society and the Consumer Vanguard
1974 Information revolution - Lamberton, Donald The Information Revolution in "American Annals of Political and Social Science"
1975 Communications age - Phillips, Kevin Mediacracy: American Parties and Politics in the Communications Age
1975 Mediacracy - Phillips, Kevin Mediacracy: American Parties and Politics in the Communications Age
1975 Third industrial revolution - Stine, G. Harry The Third Industrial Revolyution
1976 Megacorp - Eichner, Alfred The Megacorp and Oligopoly: The Micro Foundations of Macro Dynamics
1976 Industrial-technological society - Ionescu. Ghjita (ed.) The Political Thought of Saint-Simon
1977 Electronic revolution . Evans, Lawrence Impact of the Electronics Revolution on Industrial Proces Control in "Science 195"
1977 Information economy - Porat, Marc Uni The Information Economy: Definition and Measurement (Office of Telecommunications)
1978 Anticipatory revolution - Bezold, Bertrand Anticipatory Revolution: People in Politics of the Future
1978 Republic of technology - Boorstin, Daniel The Republic of Technology: Reflections on Our Future Community
1978 Network nation - Hiltz, Starr Roxanne - Turoff, Murray The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer
1978 Wired society - Martin, James The Wired Society
1979 Credential society - Collins, Randall The Credential Society: An Historical Sociology iof Education and Stratification
1979 Computer age - Dertouzous, Michael - Moses, Joel The computer Age: A Twenty-year View
1979 New social class - Gouldner, Alvin The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class
1979 Micro millennium - Evans, Christopher The Micro Millennium
1979 Collapse of work - Jenkins, Clive - Sherman, Barrie The Collapse of Work
1980 Microelectronics revolution - Forester, Tom (ed.) The Microelectronics Revolution (MIT)
1980 Micro revolution - Large, Peter The Micro Revolution
1980 Telematic society - Nora, Simon - Minc, Alain The Computerization of Society: A Report to the President of France 1978
1980 Third wave - Toffler, Alvin The Third Wave
1981 Network marketplace - Dordick, Herbert Dordick, Herbert - Bradley - Nanus: The emerging Network Marketplace
1981 Micro revolution - Laurie, Peter The Micro Revolution: Living with Computers
1981 Information society - Martin, James - Butler, David Viewdata and the Information Society
1982 Information age - Dizard, Wilson The Coming of Information Age: An Overview of Technology , Economics, and Politics.
1982 Communications revolution - Williams, Frederick The Communications Revolution
1983 Computer state - Burnham, David The Rise of the Computer State
1983 Gene age - Sylvester, Edward - Klotz, Lynn The Gene Age: Genetic Engineering and the Next Industrial Revolutuion
1984 Second industrial divide - Piore, Michael - Sabel, Charles The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity

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